Hints for Homework 5 Here are some hints for exercises in Chapter 4. 18: Write the cyclic group with generator a as . If this group contains an element of infinite order, what can you say about the order of generator a? 25: Note that the rotations form a cyclic subgroup, allowing you to apply Theorem 4.4. When counting elements of order 2, in addition to the reflections, determine when R_{180} is a symmetry. It may help when thinking about this problem to know that F R = R^{-1} F (and R F = F R^{-1}). Feel free to cite this fact if you think it will help. You can prove this with an argument similar to Exercise 7 in Chapter 3. 49: Let a, b be elements with |a| = 4, |b| = 5. What is |ab|? Remember that the group is Abelian.